Bianca Elkington

General Manager, Education & Employment Services

Te Rūnanga o Toa Rangatira

Bianca's qualifications, expertise, passion and commitment to Māori education success provide the drive needed to challenge the status quo. Uri of Ngāti Toa, Bianca is passionate about the innovation of education and how indigenous ways of doing can be used to create models and methods of teaching and learning. Bianca began her career with Te Rūnanga o Toa Rangatira in 2015 where she was brought on to support tauira to achieve success in education. The earliest stages of her mahi with the Rūnanga gave her the opportunity to test her thinking and ideas that were initially developed during her study in the masters programme at Victoria University. Te Puna Mātauranga provides the fruits of that thinking. Bianca now leads the Education and Employment Group at Te Runanga o Toarangatira as General Manager, supporting the ongoing development of iwi and the community.